Wednesday, June 2, 2010

General Managing for Dummies

-Develop a present and future plan.
-Figure out how to begin those present and future plans.
-Talk with every player, coach, scout, trainer, and doctor my team employs.
-Find out their thoughts on everyone else’s abilities, potential, and shortcomings.
-Take all of that information into consideration going into the future.
-Watch every game my team played.
-Breakdown every player on my roster.
-Decide who to keep and who to let go.
-Evaluate all of my coaches.
-Decide who to keep and who to let go.
-Bring in new coaches who will fit my team.
-Evaluate every trainer/doctor my team employs.
-Decide who to keep and who to let go.
-Bring in new trainers/doctors who will fit my team.
-Evaluate every scout my team employs.
-Decide who to keep and who to let go.
-Bring in new scouts who will fit my team.
-Breakdown every available free agent.
-Decide who to pursue.
-Breakdown every available draft product.
-Decide who to pursue.
-Explore all trade options.
-Breakdown every available player.
-Decide who to trade for.
-Breakdown every other team in the league.
-Figure out their strengths and weaknesses.
-Game plan for when my team plays those teams.
-Bring in analysts, statisticians, experts, and professionals to help my team succeed.
-Complete all other essential General Manager duties (advertising, marketing, sales, etc.).

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