Saturday, November 8, 2014

If Video Games Were Movies

I love movies and I love video games. That is why I want to combine my two favorite things. Yes, most video game movies are bad, but I am here to solve that. If video games took more liberties with their source material instead of attempting a direct adaptation, their movies would be much better. A movie is not a video game. Do not try to make it as such. Write the best movie while taking inspiration from the game.

It’s not uncommon for video game production budgets to be between $100 and $150 million these days. That’s about what a big budget movie costs before marketing and advertising. Since popular video games already have a following, here are some movies for them to mimic if they ever wanted to switch gears and see an even bigger return on investment.

Legend of Zelda – Lord of the Rings

-Since the failure of the Super Mario Brothers movie Nintendo has decided to stay out of the movie business. They have so many great properties though. I really wish they would reconsider. Imagine if a Legend of Zelda movie was done in the style of Lord of the Rings. It would be fantastic. Nintendo go call Peter Jackson now. NOW!
Dead Island – Dawn of the Dead

-This one is pretty easy since most zombie movies are the same. Most follow the formula of outbreak-survival-safety. Some more original movies for the genre are Life After Beth, Fido, Shaun of the Dead, and Warm Bodies. If a Dead Island movie does ever get off the ground I imagine they will use the traditional formula, as seen in Dawn of the Dead and other George A. Romero movies.

Dead Space – Alien

-Dead Space is considered one of the best horror games ever. Alien is considered one of the best horror movies ever. See where I’m going with this. If a Dead Space movie was filmed to pay homage to Alien it could be a big hit and start a great franchise. It may also revive Ridley Scott’s career.

Mass Effect – Guardians of the Galaxy

-Space is the new trend in Hollywood. Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, and Gravity have all recently been in the theaters. A Mass Effect movie would be great if done as a space opera a la Star Wars or Guardians of the Galaxy. Just don’t take the source material too seriously. Have some fun with it.

Starcraft – Starship Troopers

-This was really the inspiration for this article. Every time I watch Starship Troopers I think of Starcraft. If there was an alien race added to the movie Blizzard might file a lawsuit. If Starship Troopers took itself more serious I could see this working really well. Blizzard, here’s your blueprint. After your Warcraft movie succeeds, get to work on this. You’re welcome.   

God of War – Clash of the Titans

-Here is another one that is eerily similar. If the main character in Clash of the Titans was named Kratos, it’d be a done deal. There have been some bad Greek mythology movies, such as, Troy and Alexander. This one has potential though. Who wouldn’t love to see Kratos slay Gods on the big screen?

Uncharted – Indian Jones

-To be fair, most action/adventure games borrow from Indian Jones. They all involve puzzles, travel, collection of artifacts, etc. When Nathan Drake does receive his movie adaptation, he should borrow even more from his predecessor. It would make for a very entertaining movie going experience.

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