Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Omega Red Should Be The Next Wolverine Movie Villain

Movies no longer worry just about North American profit. They now worry about international profit. While some movies only receive a domestic release by a studio, most blockbusters receive worldwide releases. Comic book movies are blockbusters. Many movies will even cater to different markets in order to appeal to a wider audience. They will have a multicultural cast or take place outside of the United States.  

The last Wolverine movie did just this. It took the character outside of North America and placed him in Japan. This was a genius financial move. The movie made $132 million in the domestic box office and $282 million in the foreign box office according to BoxOfficeMojo.Com. I’m sure much of that foreign box office money came from Asia. This is in part due to the setting, storyline, and characters of the movie.

The movie itself was bound to be a hit no matter what. People love comic book movies. People love Wolverine. People love Hugh Jackman. Coming off the critical failure of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Fox Studio needed to do something to spice up the franchise. Insert Japan, Silver Samurai, and Viper. Fox should continue in this direction. Drop Wolverine in a different country every movie and give him a character from that country to fight. Fans will have a better movie than X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the studios will be able to make more money off the foreign box office.

That brings me to the villain I’d love to see Wolverine fight next. Omega Red. I’ll include a link with more information about him, but basically he’s a badass Russian mutant. His inclusion would give Wolverine a tough fight in another cultural landscape. He would also be a visually stunning character to see onscreen. Everyone’s happy and everyone wins.


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