Tuesday, November 25, 2014

What Makes A Great Movie Trailer?

What makes a great movie trailer?

We live in a world where millions of dollars are spent advertising and marketing movies. Merchandise is created. Web sites are established. Posters and billboards are crafted. The list goes on and on. All of these are done so that people will be aware of when a movie is released. Movie studios really want you to see their product. Throughout time though, no advertising or marketing has meant as much as a movie’s trailer.

Trailers are so important these days that most companies commission a third party to create a buzz worthy trailer for their movie. We even have teasers for trailer releases. What makes a great trailer though? It’s not an exact science, but here are some things (in no particular order) that contribute to having a memorable trailer. This is more about modern movies since times and tastes have evolved over the years.

Music / Sounds

-People require more than just visual stimulation. What they hear can be just as important. The music and sounds of a trailer can also provide tone. It allows people to feel or experience something while watching. When fans emotions are engaged it can lead to them being willing to invest time and money into a viewing a movie.

Cast / Director

-Not all movies have “A-list” casts or directors. That doesn’t mean they don’t have great people delivering great performances though. A trailer should allow fans to know some of the actors appearing in the movie and who the director is without having to do research. A lot of actors and directors have a following, so showing or telling about their next project will help to increase profits.


-There are a lot of movie genres and source material that movies are based off of. A trailer should give fans an idea of what to expect. It should tell them what the movie is about. You don’t want to spoil the movie, but deliver enough information to leave them wanting more.


-Almost every movie in Hollywood uses some form of visual effects. Most of the time you don’t notice it. Visuals aren’t limited to effects though. A trailer should also give you an idea of the setting and wardrobe that are going to appear in the movie. When a movie looks good (double entendre) fans are more likely to purchase tickets.


-Most trailers have a few quotable lines. This helps make the trailer memorable for the audience and allows them to share a small part of the movie with their friends. When dialogue from a movie enters the popular culture it creates something that lasts throughout time. The trailer gives fans their first glimpse of what’s to come.

So there you have it. If a trailer can nail those aspects it should be able to drum up some buzz. Of course, not every successful trailer has all of those things. A lot still manage to be great by being different. What do you feel makes a great trailer? Comment below.

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